TIG Tungsten Electrodes
TIG Tungsten Electrodes Explained - 2% Thoriated, 2% Lanthanated, 2% Ceriated
Selecting the right tunsten is crucial to a successful TIG weld. You have to insure the correct tungsten is used for the type of metal you are welding, the type of technology used in your welder such as transformer or inverter, and the thickeness of the metal you will need to weld. This leaves you with a variety sizes ranging from 1/16 to 1/8" and the types of tungstens such as the Pure Tungsten (TP), 2% Thoriated Tungsten (TT2), 2% Ceriated Tungsten (TC2), and 2% Lanthanated Tungsten (TL2). Fortunately, LONGEVITY offers high quality tungsten electrodes and explains which tungsten is required for the right application. Pure Tungsten (TP) – (green tipped) - Pure tungsten readily forms a ball on the end. It is designed for use with transformer-based power sources for AC welding of aluminum. Unfortunately,LONGEVITY does not carry transformer based technology considering the size and weight of TRANSFORMER welders. Therefore, this tungsten is rarely sold buy our sales staff.